Courses Offered

Each course of study offered by the schools is designed to provide a broad base to maximize the employability of its graduates. Detailed objectives may be found in the Course Outlines.

COSMETOLOGY develop in each student basic knowledge and techniques in developing skills in hairdressing, hair shaping, permanent waving, hair relaxing, hair coloring and lightening, facial makeup, manicuring and other related cosmetology subjects. Cosmetologists are licensed to work in a salon or own their business. A cosmetologist may give manicures, scalp and facial treatments, cut and style hair, chemically wave and straighten hair and style wigs and hairpieces. In addition, a licensed Cosmetologist could be employed as a Permanent Wave Specialist, a Color Technician, a State Board Inspector, a Theatrical Hair/Makeup Artist or a Beauty Supply Sales Person.

INSTRUCTOR develop in each student instructor the skills and techniques related to the teaching of Cosmetology. To provide supervised practical experience for each student instructor in the training of Cosmetology. Instructors are licensed to teach all phases of Cosmetology to students in a Cosmetology School or to own their own school. Additionally, a licensed Cosmetology Instructor could be employed as a Styles Director, a State Board Member, a Manufacturer's Representative, a Beauty Products Supervisor or a Platform Artist for a Beauty Supply Manufacturer.

MANICURING develop in each student theoretical and applicable knowledge and skill in the actual practice of manicuring and Pedi curing necessary for successful entry and continual employment in the manicuring profession. Manicurists are licensed to work in a salon or to own their business. A manicurist can give plain and hot oil manicures, care for the cuticles and give complete beauty advice for the appearance of a client's hands and feet. In addition, a licensed Manicurist could be employed as a Nail Technician or a Nail Artist.

ESTHETICIAN develop in each student theoretical and applicable knowledge and skills in the actual practice of skin care, with and without the use of machines and in the art of makeup necessary for successful entry into and continual employment in the Cosmetology profession. Estheticians are licensed to work in a salon or on their business, give plain and machine facials, apply makeup and corrective makeup, do non-surgical face lifts and give overall beauty advice and care for the client's skin. In addition, a licensed Esthetician could be employed as a Merchandising Manager or Salesperson, a Cosmetic Buyer, a Manufacturer's Representative, a Trade Technician, a Beauty Editor of a periodical or as a Beauty Therapist.